St Martin de Porre Class - Miss Kerr
St David Class- Mr Mather
Class Prayers
Dear God,
Thank you for keeping me and my family safe through the night and providing us with everything that we need.
Help me to try my best throughout the day and help others when they are struggling. Show me how to treat others the way that I want to be treated.
Dear Lord
Thank you for a wonderful day and for helping me to be the best I can be. Please forgive me for the things I have done wrong today, help me to be better tomorrow.
Thank you for showing the right path and helping me to follow in your footsteps.
Multiplication Check
As some of you may be aware, the children in Year 4 will have the Government’s Multiplication Check in June this year. We would really appreciate you practising times tables with your children as much as possible. Just 10 minutes a day will make a huge difference. Due to the fact that the children will only have 6 seconds to answer each question, they will need to have instant recall, without using their fingers.
Here is a list of ways in which you can help your child to practise:
Thank you for you continued support,
Any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Mrs Dell, Miss Kerr, Miss Bamforth and Mr Mather
St Martin de Porre Class - Miss Kerr
St David Class- Mr Mather
Class Prayers
Dear God,
Thank you for keeping me and my family safe through the night and providing us with everything that we need.
Help me to try my best throughout the day and help others when they are struggling. Show me how to treat others the way that I want to be treated.
Dear Lord
Thank you for a wonderful day and for helping me to be the best I can be. Please forgive me for the things I have done wrong today, help me to be better tomorrow.
Thank you for showing the right path and helping me to follow in your footsteps.
Multiplication Check
As some of you may be aware, the children in Year 4 will have the Government’s Multiplication Check in June this year. We would really appreciate you practising times tables with your children as much as possible. Just 10 minutes a day will make a huge difference. Due to the fact that the children will only have 6 seconds to answer each question, they will need to have instant recall, without using their fingers.
Here is a list of ways in which you can help your child to practise:
Thank you for you continued support,
Any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Mrs Dell, Miss Kerr, Miss Bamforth and Mr Mather