Admissions to our School

We love having visitors at our school and celebrating with prospective parents what we belive makes our school so special. Please contact the school office on 0161 624 1377 to make an appointment to visit our school.


Click here to download the Admission Policy & Oversubscription Criteria

Supplementary Application Form

Admission to Nursery

The school has a Nursery offering both full time and part time places.

Your child will be 3 years old and have their 4th Birthday during the Academic Year. The dates used are children born between 1st September and 31st August of the appropriate year.

Children between three and four years are eligible to up to 15 hours of free nursery education per week for 38 weeks of the year.

Some parents may be eligible for 30 hours of free Nursery education.

To find out which offers are available to you  go to

Here at St Edward’s, we are also currently able to offer a limited number of Full Time places, where parents can pay for the additional childcare.

For further information or to register an interest for a place in the nursery, please contact school on 0161 624 1377.

Further information and advice about childcare can also be obtained from:

Oldham family Information Service, 5 Barn Street, Oldham OL1 1LP

Freephone 0800 731 1518


Everyone who successfully applies for a place in our Nursery is invited to a “parents information evening” in the summer term prior to the September start. This meeting takes place at school and  formally welcomes the new intake. The meeting  concludes with an opportunity for parents to pop into the Nursery and have a little look at the set up. At this meeting you will also be given a date (usually in June) when you will be able to bring your child in for a morning or afternoon session in the Nursery.

Putting Your Child’s Name Down For Nursery

Click here to download an Application Form.

Reception admission (for September 2025 start)

Link to Oldham Council admission information

For children born between 01/09/2020 and 31/08/2021

Everyone needs to apply. Even if your child is in school nursery you still  need to apply for a school place. 

 â€˘ Admissions open:  1st September 2024

 â€˘ Admissions close:  15th January 2025 at 5pm 

    â€˘ Decisions notified:  April 2025

 To apply for a place at St Edward's, please visit

Tel 0161 770 4213 / 4214 / 4201



If you are not allocated a place at your school of choice, you can appeal to an independent panel. You must do this by downloading the online appeal form and returning it to  constitutional services. Further details of how to appeal can be found on the following webpage.  Appeals 


In-year Transfers

All in-year admissions are managed by the school. Please contact the school office (0161 624 1377) if you would like a place on our waiting list or to apply for a place at St Edward's. 


 Moving to another school

Click here for further information


Please click here for  copy of our  School Prospectus

St Edwards School Prospectus 2023 - 2024


Notice about Baptised Children

When applying for a place at St Edward's as a 'baptised Catholic,' parents must be able to provide a baptism certificate at the point of application.

If the child does not have such a certificate, then they will not qualify to be considered under a Catholic criterion..

This means not giving priority to children who cannot provide evidence of baptism. It is for parents to manage the timing of baptism to ensure that they are able to comply with that requirement in collaboration with their priest.

Oversubscription Criteria:

If there are fewer than 35 applications, all applicants will be offered places.  If there are more applications than the number of places available, the following oversubscription criteria will be applied:

1.      Looked after children and previously looked after children, including children adopted overseas

2.      Baptised Roman Catholic children who will have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission and resident in the parish of St Edward’s.

3.      Baptised Roman Catholic children who will have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission and resident in the parish of Sacred Heart Uppermill.

4.      Baptised Roman Catholic children resident in the parish of St Edward’s.

5.      Baptised Roman Catholic children resident in the parish of Sacred Heart Uppermill

6.      Other baptised Roman Catholic children who will have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission.

7.      Other baptised Roman Catholic children.

8.      Other children with a brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission.

9.      Other children

If it is not possible to offer places for all applications within any criterion above, priority will be given to those living closest to the school measured by measuring the distance or radii from the door of the school reception to the child’s primary address. In the event of distances being the same for 2 or more applicants, places will be allocated by a random draw of names


Admissions to our School

We love having visitors at our school and celebrating with prospective parents what we belive makes our school so special. Please contact the school office on 0161 624 1377 to make an appointment to visit our school.


Click here to download the Admission Policy & Oversubscription Criteria

Supplementary Application Form

Admission to Nursery

The school has a Nursery offering both full time and part time places.

Your child will be 3 years old and have their 4th Birthday during the Academic Year. The dates used are children born between 1st September and 31st August of the appropriate year.

Children between three and four years are eligible to up to 15 hours of free nursery education per week for 38 weeks of the year.

Some parents may be eligible for 30 hours of free Nursery education.

To find out which offers are available to you  go to

Here at St Edward’s, we are also currently able to offer a limited number of Full Time places, where parents can pay for the additional childcare.

For further information or to register an interest for a place in the nursery, please contact school on 0161 624 1377.

Further information and advice about childcare can also be obtained from:

Oldham family Information Service, 5 Barn Street, Oldham OL1 1LP

Freephone 0800 731 1518


Everyone who successfully applies for a place in our Nursery is invited to a “parents information evening” in the summer term prior to the September start. This meeting takes place at school and  formally welcomes the new intake. The meeting  concludes with an opportunity for parents to pop into the Nursery and have a little look at the set up. At this meeting you will also be given a date (usually in June) when you will be able to bring your child in for a morning or afternoon session in the Nursery.

Putting Your Child’s Name Down For Nursery

Click here to download an Application Form.

Reception admission (for September 2025 start)

Link to Oldham Council admission information

For children born between 01/09/2020 and 31/08/2021

Everyone needs to apply. Even if your child is in school nursery you still  need to apply for a school place. 

 â€˘ Admissions open:  1st September 2024

 â€˘ Admissions close:  15th January 2025 at 5pm 

    â€˘ Decisions notified:  April 2025

 To apply for a place at St Edward's, please visit

Tel 0161 770 4213 / 4214 / 4201



If you are not allocated a place at your school of choice, you can appeal to an independent panel. You must do this by downloading the online appeal form and returning it to  constitutional services. Further details of how to appeal can be found on the following webpage.  Appeals 


In-year Transfers

All in-year admissions are managed by the school. Please contact the school office (0161 624 1377) if you would like a place on our waiting list or to apply for a place at St Edward's. 


 Moving to another school

Click here for further information


Please click here for  copy of our  School Prospectus

St Edwards School Prospectus 2023 - 2024


Notice about Baptised Children

When applying for a place at St Edward's as a 'baptised Catholic,' parents must be able to provide a baptism certificate at the point of application.

If the child does not have such a certificate, then they will not qualify to be considered under a Catholic criterion..

This means not giving priority to children who cannot provide evidence of baptism. It is for parents to manage the timing of baptism to ensure that they are able to comply with that requirement in collaboration with their priest.

Oversubscription Criteria:

If there are fewer than 35 applications, all applicants will be offered places.  If there are more applications than the number of places available, the following oversubscription criteria will be applied:

1.      Looked after children and previously looked after children, including children adopted overseas

2.      Baptised Roman Catholic children who will have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission and resident in the parish of St Edward’s.

3.      Baptised Roman Catholic children who will have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission and resident in the parish of Sacred Heart Uppermill.

4.      Baptised Roman Catholic children resident in the parish of St Edward’s.

5.      Baptised Roman Catholic children resident in the parish of Sacred Heart Uppermill

6.      Other baptised Roman Catholic children who will have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission.

7.      Other baptised Roman Catholic children.

8.      Other children with a brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission.

9.      Other children

If it is not possible to offer places for all applications within any criterion above, priority will be given to those living closest to the school measured by measuring the distance or radii from the door of the school reception to the child’s primary address. In the event of distances being the same for 2 or more applicants, places will be allocated by a random draw of names