Although there are clearly defined occasions when school “officially” reports to parents on a child’s progress, there is a recognition that healthy channels of communication between home and school whenever the need arises can help parent and teacher to “keep in touch” with each other on matters which ultimately benefit the child.
Appointments with Class Teacher
Most days, there will be a member of the senior leadership team on the playground and parents are warmly encouraged to discuss any questions or concerns thety may have, informally. Parents are asked to make an appointment if they wish to discuss a matter with the teacher and not ‘drop in’ at 9:00 am. Appointments can be made through the school office Tel 0161 624 1377.
Parents’ Meetings
In addition to the informal occasions when parents are invited into school to view activities - at Mass, assemblies, plays, sports days etc, - there are formal occasions when parents have the opportunity to discuss the child's all-round progress. In the Autumn Term parents of reception children and anyone with a child with a specific problem are invited into school to have discussions with the class teacher. There is also an Open Evening in the Autumn Term where parents are invited in to school. The main Parents Meeting is held in the Spring Term. You will also receive a written report towards the end of the Summer term.
Parents’ Newsletter
We pass on to parents regular information every week in our newsletter. The newsletter is produced each Friday and a copy is emailed to parents who have given us their email address. A copy is sent home with children who’s parents have not done this. The newsletter contains school information, forthcoming events and other items of interest. If you would like to receive a copy by email, please email your details to the school office.
Curriculum Information Sheet
Each half term a Curriculum Information sheet will be published on the website, which sets out the work their child/children are to undertake. We feel that this is not only informative but also enables parents and carers to plan for visits to the library or research suitable web pages.
Parents’ Help
Parents and family helpers are welcome into school to help in a variety of ways. These include baking, craft activities, accompanying on school visits and transporting to sporting or other social fixtures. These are valued contributions to our schoolwork. If you can help please let us know.