Pupil Premium Funding
What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium funding supports the way our school can provide for key groups of children to achieve their full potential. The funding is used to provide a range of experiences for children to meet their needs. Some children need extra support and we use the Pupil Premium to ensure that we can provide support for this.
School have the freedom to spend Pupil Premium money as they see fit, however schools are held accountable for the progress and achievement of those students in receipt of the funding.
Children eligible for the Pupil Premium
- Pupils on roll entitled to Free School Meals.
- Children eligible for Free School Meals at any time in the last 6 years. (Ever 6)
- Pupils in the care of the local authority.
- Pupils with a parent in the Armed Services.
- Pupils who were previously looked after and then adopted, or under special guardianship, or residency order on or after 30th December 2005.
You can read about how we intend to use our Pupil Premium funding by downloading our three-year
Pupil Premium strategy - 2024-2027, or by viewing this below