The values and ethos which underpin the work of the school are based on the philosophy of Catholic Education. They are set out in full below.

St. Edward’s is a Catholic school which is a partnership between the parish community, the home and the teacher. The main objective of the school is to provide a welcoming and caring environment conducive to teaching and learning based on promoting the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of every child regardless of ability or social background , to ensure that they are given the foundations to grow in every way to Christian maturity, based on the teaching of the Catholic faith and receive the initial preparation to face the opportunities , responsibilities and experiences of adult life.

The school reflects the Christian values of truth and love and the faith and common vision of staff and pupils embracing both religion and life. This brings about a unity which not only enhances academic disciplines but also respects the autonomy of each subject on the curriculum. A sense of balance and harmony is achieved in everything that is done.

The school encourages the enjoyment of every kind of activity, academic, artistic, technical, manual and recreational and the development of every kind of talent. There is a sense of enjoyment and a thirst for maximum achievement in everything that is attempted. Achievement is not measured by examination results alone or by skills acquired but by the type of person produced.

Through their exploration of God’s creation by means of the whole curriculum pupils will be able to understand prayer and worship as a response and a way of giving thanks to God the Creator. Because of the family atmosphere in the school, care of others is a priority. This is seen not only in the way that people behave and show their respect for one another and for their surroundings, but is also evident in their concern for the needs of the wider community. Children are taught to have a compassion which is not just a passing enthusiasm, but an expression of solidarity with the whole human family.

There is throughout the school a realisation that education is meant to develop the whole person. Pupils do leave with a feeling that all have been helped - whether academically gifted or not - to grow on different levels; psychological, emotional, social and spiritual. All pupils have a realisation that they have been cherished and have been prepared for life here and hereafter, and that their education involves not only learning the truth but living it as well.